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Indian scholarships for Bachelor degree in Ayurveda and Yoga, last date 31 July 2020

A statue of Maharishi Charak (200 BC) author of the core text of Ayurveda of Charak Samhita (left) and Maharishi Patanjali, the author of the core text Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, meditating in Padmasana (right).

The Indian Embassy in Phnom Penh announces the scholarships for Cambodian students as well as foreign nationals to study Bachelor degree in Ayurveda and Surgery etc. (5 and haft years) and Yoga (3 years) in India for the academic year 2020-2021.

Ayurveda and Yoga are among indigenous alternative medicine systems in India. While Yoga provides mental and physical benefits to the practitioners through various postures or asanas, Ayurveda is an ancient technique of treatment in India. Perhaps, in the world which is affected by the pandemic, such knowledge is even more relevant. Yoga, especially, has gained further popularity as people require method or technique to naturally boost immunity against Covid-19 while they stay at home.

So, the Ministry of AYUSH under its 'International Fellowship Programme' aims to promote Indian ancient knowledge of medical treatment that gave the world the unique gift of freedom from disease.

Detailed guidelines on the process of applying for ICCR Scholarships online on the A2A Portal and the procedure and norms governing the same are given on the portal: www.a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in. 

For Academic Year 2020-2021, the A2A portal would accept the applications for AYUSH Scholarship Scheme up to 31 July 2020

Please refer to the below notification for the details of the scholarships being offered:

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