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Ven. Tep Vuthy Participated as a Speaker in the International Conference for Understanding and Peace, Lumbini, Nepal

Preah Samanaransi TEP VUTHY and International delegates, International Conference for Understanding and Peace, Lumbini, 10-12 December 2019. @KNT Diary

Lumbini: Venerable Preah Samanaransi TEP VUTHY, executive director of Indo-Khmer Theravada Buddhist Society of New Delhi & Trust and abbot of Cambodian Monastery of New Delhi, participated as a speaker in the International Conference for Understanding and Peace, organised by Research Center for Understanding and Peace (Kathmandu), Lumbini, Nepal, on 10-12 December 2019.

This important seminar was inaugurated by H.E. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, Nepal's Foreign Minister who was also the guest of honour. Delegates, guest speakers, representatives of NGOs, speakers and participants were from different countries such as Nepal, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Representing the Indo-Khmer Theravada Buddhist Society of New Delhi, Venerable TEP VUTHY was the guest speaker in the panel discussion under the theme "What efforts are being made achieve peace in conflict situations?"

On that occasion, he mentioned a brief history of Cambodia from the glorious era of the 6th to the 14th centuries, the Dark Ages in the 15th to 19th centuries, until World War II and November 9, 1953, when Cambodian gained independence from the French colony more than 60 years ago.

He then mentioned that Cambodia had repeatedly fallen into the pit of civil war from [1970], 1975 to 1979. He noted that “from 1980, it is very difficult to say about the word 'peace' no dharma sound from the practitioners of any religion in this country. But at this present, we have dharma sound knew as the Peace with a fastest increased up in the number by 95 % of the population across the country."

When it comes to peace in Cambodia and the role of Buddhism in the pursuit of peace, we must never forget the Dhammayietra (Dhammayatra) for peace led by Samdech Preah Mahaghosananda (Va Yav) in the early 90s. Venerable Tep Vuthy also recalled that "His Holiness namely Samdech Preah Maha Ghoasananda has spread the Dhamma peace across the war period took over to the guns conflict areas, that is a very dangerous situation at the dark days."

Finally, peace has prevailed in Cambodia with the efforts of all Cambodians through the Treaty of Peace, Paris, October 23, 1991, recognized by the United Nations as an achievement derived from 'the methodological dialogues of right understanding by Dhamma peace agreement'.

He also reflected the Buddha teaching regarding peacebuilding, such as Metta Dhamma (compassion),  mindfulness, Sila (morality), Samadhi (meditation) and Panha (wisdom),  Four Noble Truths.

In addition, he mentioned four principles for world peace:

1. Global Dialogue in Conflict Zones/Areas.
2. To have More Meetings Attended.
3. Use the mechanism of political dialogue.
by embracing peace and harmony.
4. And lastly, it needs to be checked and implemented/practised.

He emphasised that the above four points if applied effectively, would lead to "the noble civilization of human beings in society," as they were the value of life and for universal humanity.

Considering interfaith dialogue as a doctrine of peace, he said, "we are all true builders of peace, not just the book theory or the talkers themselves." He added that "We have to build more schools than monasteries or shrines and convert them into centres of education in youth."

In the end, he concluded that "Peace is not just for the elderly, but it is for every family, community, nations, and world nations. Only the virtuous leadership of peace, which comes from an intellectual understanding in the true wisdom, will end the religious and political conflicts." Peace is achievable through compassion, right understanding, non-violent, and true wisdom.

Lumbini is the place where, according to Buddhist tradition, Queen Mahamayadevi gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama in 563 BCE. It in currently in Nepal and is one of the sacred sites of Buddhist pilgrimages from around the world.

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