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JNUSU Election 2019: BAPSA - Fraternity Alliance Perform Cultural Evening

BAPSA - FRATERNITY as part of their #jnusuelection2019 campaign organised cultural evening for ‘a celebration of oppressed cultures’. Songs, raps, poetry, speeches and slogans were powerful substances blended in their pre-election campaign.

From 5:00 PM onward
30 August 2019
Sabarmati Lawn
JNU - New Delhi

- Full panel list:
in JNUSU Election 2019: Towards A New Light
President: Jitendra Suna
General Secretary: Waseem RS
SSS Councillors: 1. Amisha Singh 2. Mungamuri Kranthi Kumar 3. Sonali Kale
SIS Councillors: 1. Hirok Jyoti Ray 2. Pranveen Bharti 3. Umar Faruk M
SL & CS Councillor: 1. Afreen Fatima
SAA Councillor: 1. Aakanksha Aditi
*Vote, Elect & Assert*

JNU Students Union (JNUSU) elections scheduled for September 6 and results would be declared on September 8. Birsa Ambedkar Phule Students' Association (BAPSA) which has emerged as the third major contender in the last two years, has fielded two candidates for the posts of the president and the general secretary in the central panel and eight candidates for the posts of councillors in the school panels.

The election campaigns focus on national politics with particular attention on freedom of speech and recent revocation of Article 370 by the central government.

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