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A Night in Phnom Penh: the Riverside

After spending day time at the Phnom Penh City Centre around the Independence Monument, at night, we are walking along the riverside after leaving Brown Cafe in the opposite of Wat Botum Vatey, Phnom Penh.

Our night walk starts from Brown Cafe towards the Royal Palace. Along the road, we see street food and restaurants. We reach the Royal Palace in front of the four-faced riverside within 10 minutes or so. It is lit up.

Just opposite the Royal Palace, there are Lokta Dambang Dek Shrine and Preah Ang Dorngkeu Shrine where people are praying for good luck and fortune. Here we hear the Pin Peat, Khmer traditional music, being played in worshipping Preah Ang Dorngkeu which is famous than his counterpart Lokta Dambang Dek in the nearby sight.

From there, we are walking to Phnom Penh Night Market during which we witness Wat Unalom, the very old Buddhist temple in Phnom Penh, the resident of the late Samdech Preah Sangha Raja Chuon Nath and many imminent monks of Cambodia. We also see people are doing dancing-exercise.

Within 10 minutes, we reach Night Market. Here cheap clothes are put for sale. It is one of the tourist attraction landmarks in Phnom Penh for night roaming. Often than not, concert performance is on live to entertain visitors.

At the entrance, charity Khmer traditional music performed by the youngsters sound attractive and impressive. From here we finish our night walk. Thanks to my dear friends Ratanak and Vongdy for their companionship.
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